i dare you
okay, i challenge any one of you to tell me that this isn't the cutest, weirdest thing you've seen all day.

it's the baby panda at the san diego zoo. it weighs 20 ounces. awwwww.
okay, i challenge any one of you to tell me that this isn't the cutest, weirdest thing you've seen all day.
so, my brother and his wife just found out they're having a baby. my brother! my brother, who used to trick me into stopping crying (hence keeping himself out of trouble) by demanding, "hey, would superwoman cry? would barbie cry?" my brother, who used to burn with fury when his sports-inept and video-game-inept little sister accidentally learned how to kick his ass at Madden 95 (shotgun formation, quarterback waggle (aikman to novacek), gain of 10, first down). they're letting this guy have a baby? geez.
a sonic boom cloud:
Bush on Saturday, to reporters who asked him why he was on a bike ride instead of meeting with cindy sheehan (more here):
p-t, i'm thinking about you. i hope you know that.
here's my commercial.
so, some of you might know that i was in a commercial for my dentist's office a month or so ago. well, i guess the commercial has finally started airing, because yesterday one of the security guards in my office building came up to me and said "hey...what dentist do you go to?" so i told him and he said "girl, i saw you on tv!" i was like, oh god! i'm a celebrity! so he made this big show out of pretending to look for a pen so he could get my autograph and i told him it was always good to meet a fan - all in all it was quite funny. i have a .wmv of the commercial for anybody to see it. it is cheesy to the max but, you know, i'm in it!
sing it, frou frou.