Wednesday, September 20, 2006

do you read toothpaste for dinner? you should.

toothpaste for dinner

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

new car new car new car

so, i bought a new car! it's a brand new toyota corolla. well, actually, it's a 2006, but it only had 24 miles on it when i bought it, which was yesterday, and that makes it brand new. woot! here you go:

Monday, September 11, 2006

i'm not dead!

finally, an update!

life is good. work is so, so, so unbelievably busy, but cool. last week, for example, i drove 1,700 miles between monday and friday. 1,700 miles. then, starting next week, i'll be in west virginia for training for almost two weeks. but it's cool, and i feel like i'm doing something important, and after my training, life should settle down quite a bit.

hmmm, what else? pretty much every spare minute that isn't spent at work is spent with eric, who is so freaking cute, and who just moved into a gorgeously palacial new apartment. it's like 4 billion square feet. i'm serious.

oh, and then there's katie, who is growing up way too fast. here are some new pics:
