Wednesday, February 28, 2007

kerry holds someone accountable.

boy, kerry, i'm sure glad you didn't do something like this during the campaign. what a tool.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

attempted murder, part 324

the bush administration tries to murder you, AGAIN.

let's make a list of the way that the bush administration has tried to murder us in the past 6 years. a partial list, of course.
  • decreasing funding for meat inspection and, now, all food inspection. (if you eat meat, peanut butter or vegetables, you're on warning.)

  • refusing to accept the reality of global warming. (if you live within 20 miles of any coast in the world, or in an arid climate, or are a polar bear, consider yourself murdered.)

  • ignoring the memo that said bin laden was going to hit the world trade center.

  • failing to provide real protection against terrorism (e.g.container inspection).

  • inactivity and ineptitude after Katrina/Rita.

  • an unnecessary war.

  • horrifically inept handling of said unnecessary war.

  • allowing ex-cons to serve in the military, but not gays. (if you're gay, you're actually safer i guess, but if you're anyone else in the military, you'd better keep an eye out.)

  • pissing off absolutely everyone in the world, especially the ones with rocket launchers.

and that's just off the top of my head. everybody feel free to add to my list.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

hmm, things.

chris has demanded that i update, so update i shall.

not much has happened, which is why i haven't been updating. i'm still doing consulting for the phoenix company i'm hoping to get a job with, which is awesome and challenging and fun. i feel like i'm in school again, which is the best feeling on earth, and this time, i'm getting paid for it! i'm giving a huge presentation on wednesday via conference call, and if they like my work, they're flying me out for an interview sometime in the next few weeks. woohoo!

um, what else is going on in my life? a few weeks ago i went on a spectacular trip to minnesota to see chris, brian, and priya, aka three of my favorite people in the universe. here are some pictures! MINNESOTA. if you don't have a snapfish account, most of these are on my flickr too, along with pictures of my super-hot new haircut. observe!

hmm, that is all, i think. unless you wanted to get into a discussion about how mad i am at Lost right now, which used to be my favorite show. but you probably don't, so let's wrap this up. i'll update again on wednesday to let you know how my presentation went. out.
