attempted murder, part 324
the bush administration tries to murder you, AGAIN.
let's make a list of the way that the bush administration has tried to murder us in the past 6 years. a partial list, of course.
- decreasing funding for meat inspection and, now, all food inspection. (if you eat meat, peanut butter or vegetables, you're on warning.)
- refusing to accept the reality of global warming. (if you live within 20 miles of any coast in the world, or in an arid climate, or are a polar bear, consider yourself murdered.)
- ignoring the memo that said bin laden was going to hit the world trade center.
- failing to provide real protection against terrorism (e.g.container inspection).
- inactivity and ineptitude after Katrina/Rita.
- an unnecessary war.
- horrifically inept handling of said unnecessary war.
- allowing ex-cons to serve in the military, but not gays. (if you're gay, you're actually safer i guess, but if you're anyone else in the military, you'd better keep an eye out.)
- pissing off absolutely everyone in the world, especially the ones with rocket launchers.
and that's just off the top of my head. everybody feel free to add to my list.
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