Friday, July 21, 2006

one bad guy, one good guy

you know, i find it disturbing the degree to which i'm still, after all these years, capable of being surprised by our goddamn cockbag of a president. seriously, shouldn't i have expected him to veto the stem cell bill? shouldn't i have expected that he would actively decide to do nothing to prevent another hurricane katrina? this jackass gets two chances in the course of his presidency to actually actively save thousands and thousands of lives and he fucking squanders them both. but really, let's thank god that, while thousands of people who are actually people are getting killed in iraq for no reason, we're saving the lives of hundreds of masses of cells that never would have been people anyway.

and then. and THEN. he goes and speaks to the NAACP, after turning them down five years in a row. are you kidding me? and then this asshat gets up there and invokes LINCOLN. lincoln's gotta be spinning in his grave after this one. and then he lets loose with this gem: "I come from a family committed to civil rights. My faith tells me that we are all children of God — equally loved, equally cherished, equally entitled to the rights He grants us all."

in what way has anyone in the bush family ever demonstrated a commitment to civil rights? and while we're at it, equally entitled to rights? hmm. someone should ask him how this applies to, i don't know, gay marriage. or the right to expect that, if your city gets flooded, someone will come help you. or the right to vote without being misled, mistreated, or otherwise disenfranchised. idiot!

and now for a much more pleasant subject. for the boy who has been ever-so-patiently waiting for a blog mention: here it is! consider yourself mentioned! i know it's not much, but let's call it the first pancake of blog mentions. and, you're cute. the end!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

little red mohawk

okay, i'm trying to move away from the photoblog format, but this is for my mom. check out the mohawk! awwwwwww.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

MBW and moving home

so, i haven't blogged in a while (except for photos) because i'm currently using all my mental energy to keep from killing my new coworker denise, aka Ms. Bad Wig, or MBW. good lord, this woman is the world's hugest idiot. first of all, as her nickname implies, she wears an awful wig. like, horrible. the wig is styled such that it looks like she's wearing a low side ponytail on her left shoulder, with a curly tendril on the right side. it's always slightly askew, and you can usually see a bit of her natural hairline on one side. now, why on earth would you get such a specific wig? i mean, are we really expected to believe that she wears her hair like that every day?

also, she's a total idiot, and a huge bitch, which is a bad combination. like, she's always wrong, and always refuses to consider the fact that she might be wrong. like, one her first day, she asked me how to transfer a call, and i said, hit transfer, then the extension, then hit transfer again. and she said, "no, that's not right." what?? oh god. hmm, what else? she talks to herself, all the time, at normal conversational volume. "hmm, okay, so i'll go up here and hit close, then i'll open this...wait, no, maybe it's this other menu..." ALL DAY. argh.

anyway, she freaking sucks. hopefully she'll be getting fired soon. but i'm out of here in a couple of weeks, so i guess it doesn't really matter.

speaking of out of here - i'm leaving dc in less than three weeks! it's such a bizarre feeling. i don't want to get too sappy about it, but i'm lucky to have stumbled into a really amazing social network here, and there are lots of people i'm really going to miss. but i miss the midwest too, and i know i'll be happy there too. now it's time to get nervous about, you know, not having a job. or a car. or insurance. plus i let my driver's license expire. yikes.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

this smile is ridiculous

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

katie, and my new hair

katie bobblehead

Katie Bobblehead

okay, i know i shouldn't make fun of katie's wobbliness. and it's also damn impressive that she does such a good job holding her head up at only three months. but this is nonetheless hilarious.
