Monday, November 28, 2005

because you all love the baby news...

so, apparently my brother and sister-in-law are embroiled in the epic battle of "which way will we spell katelyn/kaitlyn/caitlyn/caitlin? and if we spell it caitlin, can we call her catie? will anyone ever spell that properly?"

my brother is in the "katie with a k" camp, based on a principle he refers to as "ending the cycle of pain." you see, i'm not the only one in my family with a nontraditionally spelled name. my brother's name is mathew, with only one t. so, both of us, for our entire lives, have introduced ourselves as "stefanie with an f" or "mathew, with only one t" and damn, it gets tiring, because most of the time people don't bother to ask. so, since katelyn is the most common spelling of the name, and it's probably the way that people will write the name if they don't ask, he wants to make her life simple. my sister in law should agree with this, since her name is chelle, pronounced "shelly." yeah, i know.

in situations like this, i feel conflicted, because i want to agree with my sister-in-law because she's a woman, and my brother is usually wrong. but, as stefanie with an f, i have to go with my brother on this one. i don't know how someone with name afflictions like ours could in good conscience commit a child to a lifetime of introducing herself as "catie with a c. no, with a c. no, C-A-T-I-E."

also, if her name is katie turner, then her name is katie, and her initials are KT. and that's cute.

of course, my ultimate preference is for them to name her emma.


Saturday, November 26, 2005

freaks and geeks

okay, i just watched freaks and geeks for the first time - does this kid look just like aaron hook or what?


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

more baby pictures

so, it's ultrasound update time! my brother's baby is going to be a GIRL and her name is katie. she'll be one of seventeen katies in her kindergarten class, but hey! it's a great name.

so, here you go:

here's her spine.

this one is her face in profile(!)

here are her girl parts, apparently.

this one is the best: it's her feet. they're crossed, sort of. precious!

life is good, otherwise. happy thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

so, okay, everybody's bugging me to post. so, post i shall! thanks for the nudge, guys.

so, life is sort of okay. some good stuff and some bad stuff. my roommates are fantastic, and i'm throwing a housewarming party (for myself) on saturday and inviting everybody i like. it's going to be the best. i'm going to cook some delicious food (i'm currently cruising for recipes!) and we're going to drink lots of wine. the end! plus, now that i have a sweet new camera, i can start posting pictures!

by the way, here's my camera:

um, what else? my job sucks. you guys all know that. but i finally bought a suit, so now i can go on interviews! if i actually get any.

also, on ruth's suggestion, i netflixed the l word. the first one came today. this weekend, watch out!

Monday, November 07, 2005


so, okay, sandra day o'connor is leaving the supreme court to spend time with her ill husband, right? this might be an evil question, but...if he dies before her replacement is named, does that mean she'll stay?

Sunday, November 06, 2005


i am so so going to this.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

i was valerie plame (undercover)

from left: ari, marco, hana, me, liza, pedro

in ari's outrageously fucking cool loft. ruth, check out my heels!

ari and marco, crime fighters from the future
