so, okay, everybody's bugging me to post. so, post i shall! thanks for the nudge, guys.
so, life is sort of okay. some good stuff and some bad stuff. my roommates are fantastic, and i'm throwing a housewarming party (for myself) on saturday and inviting everybody i like. it's going to be the best. i'm going to cook some delicious food (i'm currently cruising for recipes!) and we're going to drink lots of wine. the end! plus, now that i have a sweet new camera, i can start posting pictures!
by the way, here's my camera:

um, what else? my job sucks. you guys all know that. but i finally bought a suit, so now i can go on interviews! if i actually get any.
also, on ruth's suggestion, i netflixed the l word. the first one came today. this weekend, watch out!
You rock, Stef! Enjoy the new camera. I love using digital cameras. And good luck finding recipes! Kate has a good cupcake recipe...
oh, man. i envy you, stefanie... to be able to watch the l word for the first time again... you are so lucky.
My recipe? Hy-Vee cake mix + Hy-vee frosting + lovingly-created decorations = awesomeness.
PS: You guys, finals are making me crazy. Like, really crazy.
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