Friday, October 07, 2005

like taft and the bathtub

you know, i think about this all the time, but this harriet miers nomination has just really emphasized to me that bush is going to go down into history as one of the most idiotic leaders this country has ever seen. seriously. just a flat-out idiot. nominating your lawyer for the supreme court? he's going to be notorious, infamous, like when we read in our textbooks about how taft had to have a specially made bathtub. i mean, it was funny when bush choked on the pretzel. what a bumblefuck that guy is, haha. but, nominating his own personal lawyer, who has never been a judge and never even argued a constitutional case? i couldn't make this shit up if i tried.

also, only 28% of americans think that the country is headed in the right direction.

this is so upsetting to me that i can't even be funny about it.

also, did you guys know how weird scientology births are? apparently you're not allowed painkillers (not surprising) but you're also not allowed to speak, cry, or play music. then, for seven days after the birth, you're not supposed to talk to the baby, or "poke or prod" the baby, including medical examinations, because the birth process is so painful that they don't want to expose the baby to even more sensory upheaval. that's just insane. i wonder if they do circumcision. now THAT'S sensory upheaval.


At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just cruel: no painkillers AND you can't cry. Let me guess, a man made all this Scientology shit up?? Oh wait, that's right...

Fuck you, L. Ron Hubbard!

At 3:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anything Bush does really surprise you? There is a quote in a Swedish newspaper where the Palestinian foreign minister quotes Bush telling him that God told him to attack Afghanistan, end the tyranny in Iraq, and to give Palestine a state.

Granted, it's from the Palestinian foreign minister, so it has to be taken with a grain of salt; however, the fact that it wouldn't surprise me if there was some truth to Bush saying something like this, is the frightening thing.

My impression of this whole thing is as follows:
Bush is in the Oval office. A light appears on the wall. Then a hand appears on the wall and begins writing: "To do: invade Afghanistan, invade Iraq"
Unbeknownst to Georgy, Chaney is in the corner making a "to do" list on an overhead projector.

At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Bush is the second President to nominate his lawyer for the Supreme Court. Lyndon Johnson did it with his personal lawyer, Abe Fortas, who went on to become a liberal strongarm on the bench.

I doubt that will happen with Miers. I think that she doesn't know enough to be a justice.

At 9:37 AM, Blogger stefanie said...

that's true, but at least abe fortas had argued cases before the supreme court as an attorney. it's so totally fucked up that her complete lack of a paper trail is being sold as her number one positive attribute. if these people really think they're right, why are they so goddamn secretive?

there's a really great editorial by kitty kelley in the nytimes today about bush's secrecy. scary.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Shawn said...

Did you read the article in the times about "Liberal Hopes Ebb"? It is one of the most infuriariating things that I have ever seen. It's about how liberals were hoping that with Katrina putting the economic and racial disparities in sharp relief, they could actually enact some change. But instead, Bush reacts by cutting Medicaid and lifting affirmative action requirements for the companies which received no-bid contracts to rebuild New Orleans. The quote by one of the Republican Senators justifying tax breaks for the rich while programs to help those most affected by the storm get cut was, "I'll never forget the pipefitter who told President Reagan, 'I've never been hired by a poor man.'" This would be kind of funny if this was in a book like Catch-22 where Yossarian runs for office or something ... but this is real, and I can't fucking believe it.

At 1:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun at Homecoming, Stef!

And Shawn, maybe we are all unknowing characters in a computer program running what is, in the future, a new form of media. Instead of writing novels, people write programs. And it's a poorer novelist's attempt to recreate the magic and insanity and brilliance of Catch-22. At least that's my hope .....

Or maybe I'm just rehashing the plot of the 1999 movie The Thirteenth Floor.

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you still a fat bitch?

At 11:19 PM, Blogger stefanie said...



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