law & order: abandoned warehouse unit
so, here's something i've been thinking about recently. as many of you know, i harbor a crippling law & order addiction; law & order then served as a gateway crime drama, leading to addictions to CSI, cold case files, and without a trace. so, my point is that i spend several hours a week watching crimes being committed then solved, which i think makes me some sort of expert in the field. it has led me to one conclusion: the war on crime will not be successful until we declare war on abandoned warehouses.
i mean, seriously, guys. think about it. i would say that upwards of 60% of crimes featured on these crime dramas somehow involve abandoned warehouses. someone is either murdered in one, or hiding out in one, or using one as a home base for some sort of drug or prostitution ring. and where do these abandoned warehouses come from, anyway? i mean, i know the economy is in the shitter and lots of companies are jumping ship, but seriously - if i'm to believe what i see on law & order, there are tens of thousands of abandoned warehouses in the five burroughs alone.
so, i think you can all see where i'm going with this. clearly, the key to stopping crime is controlling access to abandoned warehouses. also, when someone goes missing, the first thing the police should do is check all the abandoned warehouses. who's with me?