Friday, January 28, 2005

the anniversary party

time for some egregious sentimentality, folks.

so, i just realized that today is (was) the one-year anniversary of the new hampshire primary, at which point my dear howie's presidential campaign (un)officially ended. bittersweet, i guess. my work on the campaign was at times frustrating and always exhausting, but it made me realize that a few dedicated people can in fact change the world. lame, i know, but i'm serious. even though howie didn't become president, i believe we did change politics forever, and the campaign definitely changed me forever. i met some of the world's coolest people (mario, elliot, etc.), lived in the world's coldest house (the attic of the world's coldest house, no less),
suffered from extreme sleep deprivation, drank 50-cent beers on wednesdays, and rode to work every day in the world's shittiest car.

thank you, howie.


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