Saturday, January 29, 2005

apparently, i'm an enigma.

so, tonight, my former dean campaign colleague chris jackson (see previous post) and i got together for dinner at a really bizarre restauraunt called the orleans house in arlington, VA. chris said that he'd passed by the place and was intrigued by it, so we went in and it turned out to be the strangest restaurant i've gone into in quite a while. it was somehow swanky and kitschy at the same time, and the menus had this insanely large font that you could have read from across the room. despite the name (orleans house, which to us implied some sort of creole theme) the only things on the menu were steak and fried shrimp and more steak. we both just had the salad bar, which cost like $10 and didn't even have any peas. outrageous. so, next time you're in arlington, VA and are intrigued by the orleans house, just remember that curiosity killed the cat, and walk on by.

but even though the food was questionable, the company was delightful. i hadn't seen chris in over a year and, while i have fond memories of him on the campaign trail (except for the time he made me cry, but that's a story for a different time) i had forgotten just how terribly smart, funny, and charming he is, and now that he's shaved his beard, i daresay he's quite a looker. the conversation was just the right mix of campaign reminiscing and personal trivia, and was just completely enjoyable every second. also, he said i was an enigma, which i could tell he meant as a compliment, and i found that very charming. i really hope i get to see more of him soon.



At 12:28 PM, Blogger stefanie said...

bogdan! you still haven't learned that you have to copy the text of an email before hitting send? i got burned by webmail several times before i learned that, but luckily most of the emails that were lost were drunken emails to dan lieberman.

At 11:50 PM, Blogger stefanie said...

yeah, i guess i always agonize over my emails for several minutes before sending, making sure every line is exactly right and the commas are in the right place and all that stuff, and i usually end up copying the text about 30 times before actually sending it. unless, of course, it's a drunken email to dan lieberman. in that case, what you said. about orgasms.


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