more katie...

oh god, i just watched a history of violence and sweet jesus, it was beyond horrible. i was so, so excited about this movie, too! ugh. i know i have a tendency to exaggerate, but it's definitely the worst movie i've seen in months. when i saw grizzly man, i thought, this is the worst movie i've ever seen. then i saw crash and i was like, no THIS is the worst movie i've ever seen. then i saw match point and i said, no no, THIS is the worst movie i've ever seen. well, this movie has topped them all. god. boring doesn't come close to describing it. i feel actually exhausted by how bored i was. the plot makes no sense, the acting is horrible, the pace is incredibly slow, and the whole thing is just completely god-awful. seriously, how did the critics love this movie? have any of you seen it? comments, please!
okay, soon this will stop being a baby blog. but for now, deal with it!
it kills me to talk about something other than the new baby, but...look at the shows i'm going to see over the next couple of months!