yay, fulbright!

so, my friend brian got a fulbright(1) to norway(2)! he is obviously a genius(3) and, by way of celebration, chris and i took him out and got him right drunk(4). at one point brian taught me how to say "fucking norway!" in norwegian but i have absolutely no recollection. brian doesn't read this, but, congratulations!
speaking of absolutely no recollection - a lot of whiskey. yikes.
ALSO: extrovert, educate thyself!
wait, so, you can't say fucking norway? but why not?
i meant in norwegian! i edited it. i'm an idiot.
Stef, your pictoral accompaniment to this post warmed my heart. [Is 'pictoral' an actual word, or am I thinking of 'pictorial'? This could easily be solved if I fetched a dictionary...]
Also: expect a call soon. Like tomorrow.
PS: Whiskey!
Wow! Stef, I am modelling my away message after that photo montage, if that tells you how much it meant to me :-)
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