i'm never flying again.
this is the scariest thing i've read in a while.
okay guys, i am obsessed with rock star: inxs. it's the first reality show i've ever gotten into, and i'm helpless within its grasp. the worst part is, it's on 3 nights a week! there goes my social life.
have any of you seen the idiotic new chrysler ads? here's the idea: jason alexander walks into his boss's office and says "hey, remember how you asked me to research chrysler?" and the boss says "yeah" and jason alexander starts reading headlines off of newspapers, talking about the new deal that's going on, and then the boss (who turns out to be lee iacocca) says "yadda yadda yadda. you forgot the best part - the deal!" and jason alexander says "i say, if you can find a better car, buy it."
so, i discovered this morning that, on amazon.com, you can buy the The Penguin Classics Library Complete Collection for just shy of $8,000. it's 1,802 (or 1,082, depending on which figure in the listing is a typo) books and weighs 700 pounds. despite my liberal anti-materialistic guilt, i think that's freaking cool. if i ever get the point financially where i have $8,000 to spare (HA!), purchasing this collection will be my first priority. i will then retire immediately, start reading Adam Bede and refuse to die until i've finished Zazie on the Metro.
okay, so i saw this in an article this morning and it might be the most nonsensical sentence i've ever seen in the news.
best gift ever:
guys, i've only listened to about 3 tracks of the new sufjan stevens album (illinois) and i'm already completely positive that i never want to listen to anything else ever again. it is simply beautiful. and the song titles are so clever! i mean, sure, i could choose to be bitter that he wrote songs about decatur, bushnell, highland, and jacksonville but not galesburg (though he did write about carl sandburg, who as we all know was born there, and also about prairie fire, our beloved mascot) but no, i don't think i will. instead, i will just sit here and absorb this. i am a better person already.
i just read the most beautiful essay about a man, his son, and the flaming lips.
let's put this on the short list of reasons it's not always so cool to live in dc:
Dear Red States,