Thursday, April 21, 2005

rob the poor and shoot the money

so, i've been in an unreasonably good mood for the past week or two. the weather has been absolutely gorgeous (80s!), my boss has been gone a lot, and i finally received my shipment of back-issues of Evolution & Human Behavior. plus, i'm thinking about my travel plans for the summer, and i'm so excited about visiting knox in 2 weeks, going to austin in june, and going to my best friend's wedding reception thing in august.

PLUS, i'm actually doing something exciting for my job next week: i'm going to a senate hearing on the reauthorization of the higher education act. it's so nice when you actually get to do the job you were hired to do!

but still, the arrival of spring does make me sort of sad, because i guess it reminds me that i don't have that many friends here yet. i mean, i'm lucky that there are a few excellent people here from knox, and i've made a few good friends, but it takes so much more effort to sustain friendships in the real world that it did at knox. now everyone has jobs, and everyone works different hours in different parts of the city, and it's just tough. yesterday after work while i was waiting for the train i was sitting in a little park just outside the train station, and there were couples and groups of friends everywhere, and it made me a little sad. so i tried to call a few people and no one was home, which was sad too. ugh. i guess everyone goes through this when they move to a new city. i think that moving into the actual city this month/next month will help though, because it will be easier to invite people over to my place or whatever, and i'll have more free time since my commute won't be so long.

ugh! sorry. i was trying so hard to be all upbeat too. i really do love this city. it's just taking some time to get adjusted.

anyway, if you're reading this, i probably miss you and wish we were spending more time together. sigh.


At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, I totally know how you feel. Basically John and I are a little island here in Austin. It's really fucking hard to meet people in grad school b/c you basically stick with your lab for most classes. Plus it doesn't help having a boyfriend who doesn't leave the apt for a job or anything. Bah. I've made like one friend thus far and not even close to what I'd consider a "good friend". So if you'd ever like to drop by ;) or call me, feel free. (I'm not posting my number up here to get spammed but I'll email it to ya)

At 2:47 PM, Blogger ruth said...

Sing it sista. I have yet to meet a friend in Dublin, except for this one other American girl that says 'sweet' a little too much for my tastes. My flatmates are nice, of course, but they have their own lives. So Bill and I play a lot of cards.
Summation: Post-college life sucks, and I am crushed to hear that graduate school is not the friend paradise that regular school was.


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