Thursday, April 14, 2005

oh my god, is that chris matthews?

so, this morning, i shared an elevator with chris matthews. you know, the guy from hardball that yells all the time? it was literally unbelievable. i saw him in my lobby while I was waiting for an elevator and i was like, holy CRAP! then he ran over to catch my elevator and we had a little conversation about how annoying it is to lose your cell reception in the elevator, and how he was going to go watch someone do his taxes, and he got off the elevator on my floor! i actually gave him directions to his accountant's office. he looked totally disheveled though. they must put a lot of makeup and hair product on that guy.

yesterday i heard a rumor that george stephanopolous goes to my gym. again, not surprising since it's so close to the abc news building. but if i see him there this week, i'll complete the news celebrity trifecta.


At 12:12 PM, Blogger stefanie said...

oh man, bogdan! you are a diabolical genius at stalking.

this is the conversation that would happen between george s and me:

me: george, hi. it's stef turner. we met at john podesta's?
g.s.: oh really? when was that?
me: um...john podesta went to knox, you know.
g.s.: yes, but i really don't remember meeting you.
me: but john podesta went to knox!

At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you seem to be on a streak of meeting famous Washingtonians, you should go up near Capitol Hill and see if you can run into Tom DeLay. I'll pay you if you kick him in the balls!

At 3:17 AM, Blogger ruth said...

Stefanie Stephanopolous. Make it happen. Or has he aged? Is he no longer desireable? I feel quite out of things as I have no idea who Chris Matthews is.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger stefanie said...

oh, ruth, of course george stephanopolous is still desirable, as evidenced here. if i married him, i would make him start spelling his last name steFanopolous, because everyone knows that F makes more sense.

and don't worry, joe. i've got my ann coulter plan all worked out. in my plan i had been wavering between a skateboard and a tire iron until you so effortlessly made the decision for me. skateboard it is!

At 9:08 AM, Blogger stefanie said...

also, here is chris matthews.

At 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just came by blog hopping and found truely nice blog...keep up good work...


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