Tuesday, March 15, 2005

a new buzzword: spotcasting

so, my friend Tim Jones from the dean campaign is now working for a wicked cool tech company called EchoDitto and right now he's in Austin TX covering the south by southwest/sxsw interactive festival, which he refers to as "the most gigantor geekfest in the world, ever." anyway, he made up a new form of podcast called a spotcast, which is a podcast that's less than 60 seconds long. i think he's a genius. listen for yourself.


At 9:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That's pretty cool. I think podcasting is a really neat idea. It makes me want to get high speed internet in my apartment.

At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In related news: SXSW (the festival) kicked ass! We went to a bunch of movies, one of which was my high school friend's movie where I got to see a lot of people I knew in high school with no clothing on. Between regular and festival films we (me, John, Dave and Jason) saw 5 movies this week. Here are my reviews of all five if you're interested:

Hostage: Very good action movie. Not your run-of-the-mill good vs bad shoot-em-up thing. ***

Steamboy: Storyline was okay but the dialogue was horrendous. Lots of repetition and obvious plot devices. Let's hope it was due to the translation. *

The Edukators: Really interesting German movie about capitalism, revolution, and surprisingly about romantic relationships. A little long though. **1/2

Layercake: I loved how this movie ended. It was sort of like Lock, Stock, and Three Smoking Barrels but more sophisticated maybe. **1/2

Kissing on the Mouth (my friend's film): Interesting near-documentary about everyday sex lives of normal people. Almost completely scriptless, filmed on an extremely low budget with no real actors. I loved the realness of it and was easily able to connect with the characters. ***1/2

At 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been 9 days since your last confession, er, blog post, Stef. Get to it!


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