Tuesday, March 01, 2005

i need a new blog title

hey guys. i have to share this really disturbing news that i just learned that you guys all probably know. i'm sure that everyone knows about the whole woody allen and soon-yi thing, but i didn't know all the details until this week. i mean, i knew that soon-yi was woody allen's step-daughter, but i guess i assumed that she was, like, an adult when woody allen married her mom (mia farrow), then they became involved. which is weird enough, right? but i found out last week that she was only SIX when woody allen married her mom! SIX! so, like, he was really, totally, completely her dad for most of her life. and then, when she was around 20, they got married. and now they have adopted two daughters! i mean, i don't want to be creepy here, but if at age 20 you marry the guy who has been your dad since you were six, don't you think there's a chance that there was some inappropriate behavior while she was still young? and if so, and since he's the only dad she's ever had, perhaps she doesn't have a good concept of what sort of behavior is appropriate between fathers and daughters and what isn't?

ugh. sorry to have two male-bashing posts in a row. i'm really not a man-hater. but if i didn't love men in general so much, examples of horrible men wouldn't bother me so much.

remember my laudatory comments about gabriel garcia marquez, author of One Hundred Years of Solitude? That oughta even the score.


At 4:25 AM, Blogger ruth said...

yeah, so it's a lot weird. but the thing is, all people who fancy themselves artists with a lot of money are really fucking weird. and the movie director, well, definitely the strangest (as they make the most money). i should know, i just read a book about them.
and besides, men, in particular, are obsessed with youth, beauty, and being adored. what a great ego boost to have someone you, in effect, created turn out to want to marry you!
additionally, mia farrow's house is like a cabbage patch of adopted babies.
also, if you want to feel better about woody allen's creepiness, it's not like he's made a decent movie since marrying his step-daughter.


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