Saturday, February 05, 2005

a cry for help

okay. until today i thought i was a smart, capable person. apparently, i was wrong.

i literally cannot figure out how to put links on the side of my blog. apparently my template is one of the ones that doesn't come pre-configured for links, but i like this template so i don't want to trade it in for a new one. and if i don't put up links to my friends' blogs soon, they're going to riot.

so, if anyone is willing to help me out with this, i'll gladly hand over my username and password in exchange for a list of links.




At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you email me the stuff I'll look at it. But I'm not promising anything. A while back I wanted to use Blogger and could never figure out the code shit, although I only tried for like 5 minutes then gave up.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger stefanie said...

yeah, ruth actually agreed a couple of days ago to do it, i just didn't get around to posting an update. i promise i will soon have links.

and, bogs - of course i clicked on the help thing. i'm not retarded. but the help section says "on most templates, it will be obvious where to put the links. so, just put them there" and doesn't address how to do it on templates without an obvious "links" section.

so, thanks anyway, guys.


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