Thursday, March 10, 2005

a way to be good again

so, i read The Kite Runner this week and it was incredible. (the title of this post is from the book.) i mean, seriously it's a fantastic book. the writing is fantastic, and the story is gut-wrenching. i don't mind telling you that i wept openly on the subway while reading this book. so, read it. i'm serious. even if you weren't such a big fan of one hundred years of solitude (bogdan!), you will really dig this book.

so, let's see...oh, gym crush update. so, i was telling my coworker mark about how this guy talked to me on friday (he wasn't there to see it) and he totally didn't believe me at all that the gorgeous object of my affections had started talking to me out of the blue. but yesterday, we were working out, and hottie mc-hipster glasses sauntered by, and he smiled and waved at me, and mark's jaw practically hit the floor. he was like, now that's what i call progress! step 2: learn his name. step 3: spring wedding.

today's new music: turin brakes


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