Wednesday, March 30, 2005

christmas in april

okay, so the coolest thing happened to me yesterday. i was talking to frank mcandrew about some random evolutionary psych thought that had popped into my head, and i suddenly realized that last june before i presented my thesis in germany, i joined HBES (human behavior & evolution society) and paid for a 2 year membership, which is supposed to include a subscription to Evolution & Human Behavior, a completely excellent journal. (so excellent, in fact, that they stone cold rejected my thesis.) so anyway, i emailed the membership guy, forwarded him my membership confirmation email, and he said "oops. i guess next week you're going to get a rather large package in the mail." so, next week, i'm going to get 10 issues of Evolution & Human Behavior in the mail. it will, i predict, be the happiest day of my life. i also predict that i will call in sick to work all week and just lounge happily in bed all day long reading about mate selection and mismatch theory.

also, for carin and/or bogdan: what's the name of the theory that states that we don't want to mate with our brothers and sisters because there's a mechanism by which we aren't attracted to people with whom we spend a large amount of time as children? it's a long name that starts with an M or an H i think...and i can't really look it up because i don't know what it's called. i think it was in the pinker book.


At 3:42 PM, Blogger stefanie said...

BAM! bogdan, you are the champ.

At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn me and my having to be on campus during the day! i was totally going to comment about how awesome I was for knowing it then damn bogey beat me to the punch.

note: The Westermarck Hypothesis was the subject of a question that most students missed on the last exam I wrote.

PS - HBES is notoriously retarded about their memberships. I joined last year and I just got my first issue yesterday.

PS - Bogdan, Stef, are you guys coming to HBES this summer in Austin?? I will likely be presenting a poster! And I think Frank is doing a presentation as well. You should totally come and we'll go out at night and hit 6th street, it'll be totally boss.

At 8:37 PM, Blogger stefanie said...

carin - man oh man do i want to go to HBES this year. and your totally endearing use of the word "boss" only added fuel to the fire - but i don't think i can make it. i'm already taking off work a few days in july for my best friend's wedding (the actual event, not the movie) and a few more days to visit knox in may, and so i don't really have the vacation time. plus, i can't afford the airfare. HBES doesn't have a scholarship program, does it? seriously, i'm dying to go but i just really don't think i can afford it. stupid money!

frank is presenting?!? he told me he wasn't going! and congrats on the poster, by the way! totally rad.

At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah airfare is a bitch to Austin! I find that American and Southwest are cheapest for Austin. Unfortunately, I don't know of any scholarships through HBES. Most of the time you have to get a travel grant from your own institution. :(

I don't think they turn down most poster submissions (esp one with David Buss's name attached to it) so I'm hoping I'll be doing that but I'm not 100% positive of course.

Also, Frank has told me that he isn't sure whether he'll go or not, but I know he submitted a proposal for a presentationc (hehe, since I'm the webMASTER). No one has been accepted yet though so maybe he hasn't decided. Maybe he's only going if his talk is accepted and if not then he won't attend. I dunno.

At 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you saying that you don't find me attractive now, or you didn't find me attractive as a child? You know what..... nevermind..... either answer is going to hurt! That Westermark is a real bastard!

Stefanie's Big Brother Matt

At 9:09 AM, Blogger stefanie said...

awwww, a comment from my brother! how adorable and...slightly creepy!

it's okay. he's probably just acting out because he's going to be THIRTY this month. ha ha!


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