we can walk to the curb from here
Monday, December 18, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
here's a hint, except it's not really a hint, it's the actual answer. also, i might not be moving there after all. apparently they told us the project was funded, and then 2 days later they were like, not so much. so, maybe i'm not moving. sigh.

in other news, i recently started a job at the united way, which sounds great until i explain what my actual job is. so, okay. there's this technology called OCR, or optical character recognition, and it scans forms and converts the writing on them to actual text, not just an image like a normal scan would. but, OCR technology still kind of sucks, so after we scan the pledge cards into our system with the OCR, someone has to compare what the OCR thinks it says to what it actually says. and that's where i come in! it's mind-numbing, but at least i get to listen to my ipod all day, and check this: there are 3 of us checking the data, and on friday, my coworkers complained that i was working too fast, because since there's a limited amount of data, the faster we work, the sooner our assignment will be over. so on friday, my boss told me to "take the morning off" so there will be plenty of work for everyone. i love this job.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
i'm moving again, probably.
so, it looks like i'm probably going to be moving to a new city, and i'm really excited about it. i'm excited mostly because it's a spectacular new job, but a large part is that this is next week's weather:

thoughts? those who already know aren't allowed to guess!
Friday, December 01, 2006
just when i thought i couldn't love barack obama any more than i already do...

speaking of ludacris, did any of you see him on SNL last week? god, he was hysterical. check out the blizzard man skit.
my life is still boring. i might be getting a new job in phoenix! holy crap. but no matter how great the job is, i will totally quit to work for obama if he runs in 08.