nancy pelosi is the devil.
guys, seriously. of all of the incredibly talented, passionate democratic politicians we've got in this country, is nancy pelosi really the best we could do? her performance on meet the press this morning makes me embarrassed to be a democrat. if we fail to take over congress this fall, it will be her fault. she's a master of political stonewalling, equivocating, refusing to really answer questions, talking in circles, sticking to the talking points. this woman is absolutely incapable of inspiring anybody!
remember howard dean? when someone asked old howie a question, he made a point of saying either "yes" or "no" at the beginning of the answer. do you know how rare that is, and how said it is that it's so rare?
oh my god, she just said "maybe it will take a woman to clean up the House." i want to die.
don't hate on puns.
I don't like Congresswoman Pelosi, either. She's way to middle-of-the-road and never commits to a set of ideas. She is playing the same game that most of the Democrats are playing: stand back and watch the Republicans implode.
Unfortunately, that strategy will not work. You need to be on the offensive, not just sitting on the bench while the other team gives up points. However, I'm optimistic about November because we've got Dean with his ambitious and provacative 50-state plan, as well as Rahm Emmanuel running the DCCC's nationwide efforts. Those guys have lots of energy and fresh ideas. They just have to poke their candidates a little to get them to spread the ideas.
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