Tuesday, May 02, 2006

temping is the best.

greetings! time to move on from the katie pictures, sadly. so, here's the haps: since i got fired a few weeks ago, i've been temping, and holy crap, it's the best thing ever. i signed up on thursday and i've worked every day since then, and the pay is obscene! why didn't i quit my job and start temping ages ago? here's what i've done so far:

non-profit association - data entry

morning: hall monitor during AP exam at preparatory academy
afternoon: non-profit association - assembling binders

education non-profit - reception

okay, monday afternoon - when i say hall monitor, i literally mean hall monitor. i didn't proctor, i didn't even talk to any kids - i sat at a desk in a hallway and read a book (george stephanopolous's memoir!) for 4 hours. and the place i'm working today, they basically told me that they can't afford to actually staff the reception position full-time until the new fiscal year (july) but they have a "ton of money" in their temp fund, so they said i can keep temping here as long as i want. basically, my job description is answering the phones and sending out thank you notes when people send us donations. literally, i've been here for eight hours and the phone has rung 2 times. also, my immediate supervisor is looking for a new job, so she said "i'm going to be reeeeally laid-back with you. as long as the phones get answered, do whatever you want." i am lucky.

okay, i can't resist: one more picture of katie!


At 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your job sounds like the best thing ever. Maybe I'll be a temp for life!

At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three cheers for temping!


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