i saw george stephanopoulos in the gym again tonight. that guy can't resist me.
today on cnn.com they had this poll:

and when i first looked at it i thought it said
"do you agree that president bush has a head full of steam?"
yes, yes! a thousand times yes!
okay, so this story is hilarious, but i hope it's not too washington-insider. few weeks ago on washingtonpost.com, they had a contest to make up a piece of legislation that, when combined with the names of real-life congressmen that could have introduced the bill, is ironic or otherwise hilarious. the winner:
the Trafficant-Delay-Akaka Roadside Port-o-potty Act.
you might have to say that one out loud.
i am almost recovered of my strep throat/bronchitis/sinus infection. almost!
I love it, Stef! That's hilarious. Too bad they couldn't include Ted Stevens in some way. That guy is a huge douchebag.
oh man, did you see the coot-off on the daily show last night? they had a contest between ted stevens (r-ak) and robert byrd (d-wv) because they're both in their 80s and they're both cantankerous as all hell. it was awesome. go here and search for "coot-off." classic.
okay, i was wrong - it doesn't come up on a search. just go to recent videos.
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