i had an interview today!
yes kids, that's right. i had an interview today at NOW and man, it went really well. like, really well! here's the job listing: Intern/Volunteer Coordinator.
i met with the VP for action and the VP for membership, and i already knew both of them because i've been volunteering there for a few months. i also have the endorsement of the outgoing volunteer coordinator, who is really great, but she's leaving to get her PhD. anyway, i totally aced that freaking interview. i was totally prepared - what are your strengths and weaknesses, what's an example of a success in your current position, why do you want to work for NOW. man, i was an animal!
man, i have been dreaming about quitting my horrible job for...what, 9 months? a year? if i finally get to quit, i will throw myself a fucking parade.

Way to go, Stef! Rock on!
I see that they received my bribe - I mean, er - Great job STef! ;)
Just kiddin, of course you would knock em dead! The job looks pretty sweet, you'll be making a difference in their organization, not just pushing paper.
After you get this awesome job we'll have to see about how your contacts can get me a NOW grant for my sexual victimization research.... :)
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