Friday, June 16, 2006

fear the random fate

man, so long without an actual update. well, i'm back, and i want to talk about jesus.

i just started listening to a new album (well, new to me) by mike doughty, the guy who used to front soul coughing. so, mike doughty is cool. the album is fantastic. but there's this one song, his truth is marching on, that really troubles me.

so, apparently mike doughty is a christian, and some of you might know about me that christian indie rockers ick me out a little bit. i love sufjan stevens and neutral milk hotel but it takes a bit more effort than usual. is that closed-minded and judgmental of me? sure. but let me explain why, using the example of this mike doughty song. mike doughty typically writes really gorgeous, insightful lyrics. in his truth is marching on, though, he starts out with some of the most trite, awful lines i've ever heard, especially compared to his other stuff:

they say that god is great/
they say that god is love/
well, i believe them/
don't fear the random fate/
i trust the hand of the almighty and the infinite

okay, now this is total crap, and not just because of the christianity aspect, although that's a large part of it. it's not imaginative in the least. sufjan would never write obvious lyrics like this. also, this line exemplifies the major thing that i think is wrong with christianity. "don't fear the random fate/i trust the hand of the almighty." you don't fear the random fate? why the hell not? sometimes awful random shit happens. sometimes a drunk driver crosses the center line. sometimes there's a war. sometimes the levees break and your entire city is flooded. god will not protect you from "the random fate." and if he does, what does that say about those he fails to protect?

this is the fundamental problem, the reason i have no faith: how can you believe that an all-powerful, all-knowing, benevolent god would allow, or even cause, horrible things to happen? i cannot accept that god is somehow "protecting" me, or mike doughty, or sufjan stevens, while allowing millions of people to suffer.

okay, since i've mentioned sufjan, let's talk about that guy for a minute. now, i absolutely love his music. let me just say that upfront. but i have some issues with the guy. in the song casimir pulaski day, which is about a friend dying of cancer, he says:

tuesday nights at the bible study/
we lift our hands and pray over your body/
but nothing ever happens/


Oh the glory that the lord has made/
And the complications when I see his face/
In the morning in the window/

Oh the glory when he took our place/
But he took my shoulders and he shook my face/
And he takes and he takes and he takes/

now, a lot of you know that i was a christian for a long time, until i was 15 or so. basically, i was a christian until this benevolent god question occurred to me, then i thought, well, there's probably not really a literal god anyway, but even if there really is a god and this is how he operates, i want nothing to do with it. so i guess i assumed that people are only christians until this question occurs to them - then, finding it intractable, they become former christians, like i did. but, look at those sufjan lyrics! he has obviously had the thought, "god could have done something to save my friend's life, but he chose not to" and yet continued to have faith. how is that possible? can you really fully believe that god has some grand master plan that makes up for all the shit we have to go through? i have no idea.

so, coming back to my original point that christian indie rockers ick me out: i think it's because i expect these people to have some sort of insight that i don't have. i want them to explain something to me, or make me see something in a way i haven't thought of before. but, "everything will be okay if you just trust jesus" is such a cop-out.

or maybe music should just be music.



At 11:07 AM, Blogger Chris said...

(Sorry to post twice -- there was a problem with the first submission.)

I know what you mean. And it bothers me.

I've been thinking though -- even indy rockers are real people, you know? Some have religion. I don't know Mike Doughty much, but I do know Sufjan's music, and on the lyrics where he espouses Christian beliefs that I might not find to be literally true, I just enjoy the metaphorical/mystical elements instead. It's like if you're reading the Odyssey. I mean, those guys actually believed in Athena and Zeus, but that doesn't make the poetry any less beautiful. In some ways it makes it more beautiful because it forces you to realize that homo sapiens is this frail species that doesn't really know what to do with itself so conjures beliefs in spiritual entities to make up for all those things it can't explain.

At 11:40 AM, Blogger stefanie said...

well, it's interesting that you bring up the odyssey. (and shrewd, since you know it's one of my favorites.) i'm actually much more okay with greek mythology than i am with christian mythology. i mean, at least in greek mythology, you have good gods and bad gods, all with more or less equal power. when something bad happens, a bad god did it to you, and when something good happens, a good god did it for you, and sometimes they even act out of character. i'm so much more okay with that, and i think it makes so much more sense than the one-ultimately-good-god christian approach. in the end, greeks DID fear the random fate, and they realized that sometimes bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, and that's just the way life goes. it's so much more complex than "they say that god is love, and i believe them."

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My only thought is that I spent at least six hours of philosophy class learning about that very question and pretty much no one's ever resolved it.

Also, I really, really wish I could visit you lately, but now you're too far away for a weekend jaunt. Regrets? Me? Naah...not ME!

Except, yes.

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I do want to point out that I'm not a Christian. I have a pretty fluid and changeable idea of who/what God is.

Also--respectfully--for someone who doesn't believe in God, you sure are angry at him.

At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm also a fan of Greek mythology: how much more realistic is it to attribute certain elements or forces to indivdual gods rather than crediting one all-powerful being? Maybe I just like the idea of specialization, though. Also, the Greek gods seem like they were more accessible - humans could actually interact with them; in this way, religion was less exclusive.

Anyway, Jesus = all about capitalism.

But I actually wanted to say that NMH's religious allusions have never bothered me, which is strange because (as you know) I'm strongly anti-Christian. The loveliness of the music, in this case, outweighs any ideological objections I might have.

Good lord: this is the longest comment I've ever left ANYWHERE!

At 10:43 PM, Blogger cyrus said...

hi random angry person,

perhaps you should check this out before getting too judgemental just because someone mentions god in a song:

At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm way late to the convo here, but a couple things.

Firstly, Mike has stated on his blog that he is a-religion--or whatever the term de jour is--and that this song in particular was an artistic reaching out to Christians. From that perspective, more interesting, I think.

Secondly, on the issue of suffering, I stumbled on this podcast and it was hella interesting: . I think we've incorrectly anthropomorphized what it means for God to be "all-powerful" and "loving".

Thirdly, some of us who would identify with Jesus Christ are working on taking down the "industry" from the inside. I invite you to listen in:

Thanks for bringing this topic to the surface.

At 11:17 PM, Blogger O'Flannabhra said...

what in the world gave you the idea that God protects people that believe in Him? Look at Jesus, or Israel, or the early church, or anywhere in the Bible for that matter. The one common thread I see is a lack of protection. Those people had to face serious hardship, way more than anyone in America has.

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At 4:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For acting like such an open minded person you sure are closed minded and judgemental about Christian god vs Greek gods, everyones got an idea of their own, go on his site and look at why he wrote the song that way... I don't care either way... I just think you're being a closed minded bitch.


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